Friday, March 24, 2006

Blown Bangkok...

I'm a shopaholic. I admit it... I just LOVE Bangkok!!! It gives me so much licence to shop!! hahahahaha... Guess it doesn't help that I don't really keep track of my spending when I'm there... Some pictures to tempt you to boost the Thai economy!

Glam glam shoes for only 199Baht and 259Baht respectively!!!

Fantastic looking bag... and it smells a lot like leather too! From Chatuchak weekend market, selling for 350Baht.

I also bought a pair of Levi's 593 (Authentic) there for only S$60! How much better can it get?

Of course, I didn't spend the whole trip just shopping...

The MRT system there looks great! It even has a screen on the glass panes beside the sliding doors at the stations! Beats TVMobile any day! Not that I can understand what they are saying tho... =) And the best part about the MRT is that it brings us everywhere without any worries of the previously notorious traffic jams in Bangkok!

And I wouldn't pass up the chance for great food either. =P A roadside stall at the Chinatown in Bangkok served up monstrous size prawns like these... Fantastic food! No wonder we're losing all our tourists from the neighbouring countries there...

It was a good trip, tho something marred it in the end... But I guess what counted was the relationships that got struck up while we were there. =)
I definitely burned my wallet and bank account this time... Sigh...

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