Saturday, July 16, 2005

At random.

It was the first time for the 5 year-old.

Hey! That was the place for the birthday party that kor kor was in! Mummy is saying something. Oh. I have to go into the class? Ok. Go home mummy... You have many other things to do. I will be ok. No, you don't need to be here. Just go home!

The room smells nice. But many children were crying... Why are they crying? Are they scared? Hey! Why are you crying? Don't cry. I'm not crying... Oh dear, I'm feeling a little scared myself. But I'm a big girl now! The nice lady in front is talking. What is she saying?

Ok, I better sit down.

Me? Leader? Ok! Give out the papers and the pencils. Collect the papers and the pencils.

*To be continued...*

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