Friday, July 15, 2005

Book Review - Wenny Has Wings by Janet Lee Carey

I was at Sans Bookshop today during the lunch break of my course when I saw this book entitled "Wenny Has Wings". I started reading it and just could not put it down.

It's about a pair of siblings who had gotten into an accident. The boy's sister, Wenny, died while he, Will, survived the accident. The whole book was a compilation of letters that he wrote.

The letters are like a travelogue, which details the journey of grief that the family went through. I couldn't help but feel my eyes brimming with tears that just came while also smiling at the different antics that Will got into.

Its simplicity of language, coming from the perspective of an 11 year old, pulled at my heart strings in unimaginable ways. Do take a read if you come across the book.

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