Saturday, July 09, 2005

Sucky Life

Suckiness in life is:

Not being able to attend your good friend's wedding;

Being left out of something fun that others are involved in;

Not being allowed to do what you are good at doing;

When you're made to feel second class or less than worthy;

Getting sick when you have to meet up with a friend you have not seen for a long time;

Staying home when you long to go out;

Losing money playing mahjong when you're already broke (or rather, you're not supposed to be gambling in the first place...);

Being cheated of your money by the girlfriend of your cousin (who fell out of love soon after...);

When you made a mistake that made you look bad/stupid in front of others;

Buying a mobile phone after months of waiting only to find a newer model coming out in 1 week's time;

Not being able to act in a play when you are really really wanting to do that;

When you're not invited to go to a chalet that your boyfriend is going to.

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