Saturday, December 02, 2006

Unequally yoked?

I was at a friend's church wedding today and the couple really looked great! He looked as if he was brimming over with happiness and she was too. It brought to my mind this conversation I had with M. He was talking about some colleagues who were talking about how good their boyfriends were. They were christians but their boyfriends were not. While M was wowed by all the descriptions they were giving about their other halves, there was also a part of him which felt a little strange. He was thinking that all these actions don't really define a person and that why did they have to try so hard to justify their actions?

He was also saying that they had told him that they could not find good christian males that they could be attracted to. And I wondered: is it true that all single christian males are so unattractive or what? I looked around at all of the guys who fitted the above description today and perhaps I'm looking at them through tinted glasses (they are all my friends... heh... how else would I know their status right?), but they all appear alright to me! I mean, they're nice and thoughtful people... so what happened???

Maybe they just didn't meet, or maybe we, like everyone else, have placed fellow christians on the pedestal. So perhaps when they do anything that falls short of perfection, we point the finger at them (either consciously or unconsciously) or think they are less worthy.

I don't know, this is just random ramblings... what do you think??


Lelaina said...

The logic is simple - there are just more Christian girls than guys in Singapore. Hence the problem of finding someone.

Plus, Singapore is very secular and pragmatic, hence even when it comes to Christian guys, it is hard to find someone who is godly and God-fearing as many are still very caught up in the rat race and the business of making ends meet. Perhaps we measure Christians by a different yardstick - but that IS supposed to be the case. After all, if we call ourselves Christians, there should at least be some evidence of a perspective that is Christ-centred. While we are still a work in progress and not perfect, nevertheless, the heart should still be in the right place - one that is leaning towards the things of God rather than the things of the world.

stan701 said...

alamak! you should intro them to Lijie & weilong! gosh... & joshua tan too for that matter hahahah

adinahaes said...

no chemistry? nothing to do with alright or not...sometimes the chemistry is not there then the whole thing can just fail on that.

*shruG* but then, it will probably come back to bite them in the ass, life is easier when your partner is of the same spiritual background.dreamer

adinahaes said...

no chemistry? nothing to do with alright or not...sometimes the chemistry is not there then the whole thing can just fail on that.

*shruG* but then, it will probably come back to bite them in the ass, life is easier when your partner is of the same spiritual background.