Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Several minutes too early...

Sigh... these few days have been wierd. Clients call us at the most awkward times. It's like they always call when I'm about to go home and rest. Yesterday was a client who wanted to commit suicide coz someone insulted her. I had to make an emergency home visit and the funny thing was that she resolved the issue herself.

Another client was upset that we didn't give her money and threatened suicide. So the team had to call the relevant authorities. Well, there'd be more follow-up to be done and I think it's gonna be stressful for everyone in the office.

Really need to pray for unity and strength to support one another in the office!

Well, God has been good and He has been encouraging the various people in the centre saying that we're at the centre of His will and that we are to be courageous. (Joshua 1) Yups, do pray for us. There'll be more tsunami-like waves to come...

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