Wednesday, April 04, 2007


I don't HATE exercise...

I just hate people bugging me to exercise and do so regularly.

Come on! It's my body right? Who cares what you think? (Maybe with the exception of some people...)

If I want to exercise, I do it for me! If I want to slim down, I do it for me!

It's me people will be commenting about the weight gain and all so get off my back already!



Emay said...

*hugs* sorry to hear things have been annoying you in this aspect. hope pple will get more sensitive and not in their good intentions hurt u or annoy u...

Shem said...

Yeo Sista! Cheer up! =)
Ain't nobody mess with my sista, or I'll punk you right there! You feel me? hahaah! ok.. bad attempt!